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Curriculum Vitae


Caterina Margherita born in London in 1979.

I  graduated in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts of  Venice.

 My studio is  in Venice, the city where I live at the moment.

In 2016 I attend an art residency at Foundation of international Graphics Art Il Bisonte , Florence. The work Museum receve a special mention at the Talent Prize organized by the Fondazione Roma with Pema group we exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Tel-Aviv, Israel.


Group exhibition


Basic cell, Spazio S, Milan, curator Magda Di Siena


Tree's day , Galleria delle Cornici, Venice.


“E i miei compagni sono pronti? domandò il burattino”, Palazzo Bastogi, Florence curated by the Regional Council of Tuscany and Caffè Michelangiolo


Jungle, Bottega d'arte Gibigiana,  Venice..


In collaboration with  Giulia Cilla,  Paisitos, Archaeological Civic Museum, Bologna curator Katia Baraldi.


Coincidenze Il Palmerino Association, Fiesole, Florence, curator Federica Parretti 2010

Art Stay, International Art Festival, Ptuj, Slovenia 2009

In collaboration with David Behar Perahia, Factory, Conteporary Art Museum of Bat Yam, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Ab Ovo, Claudio Abate Studio, Rome, curators Flavio Alivernini e Alessandra Capone. 2008

Bestiario, Museo di Santa Caterina, Treviso, Italia, curator Roberto Zamberlan.

Accade,  Scalamata Gallery, Venice, Italia, curator Katia Baraldi ed Elena Santagiustina. Digifabula, En Plain Air Gallery, Turin, Italia, curator  Elena Privitera.

Saranda Finestra Aperta, Art Kontakt Festival, Saranda, Albania, curator Andi Tepelena. Re:Public, Tese di San Cristoforo, Arsenale, Venice, curator Amerigo Nutolo.


Genius Loci, presso il Palazzo Rizzo Patarol, Venice,  curators di Gruppo Dieci. 2006

Arturo Martini prize, Chiostro di San Francesco, Treviso, curator Roberto Zamberlan. Abitare il confine, Forte di San Carlo, Fenestrelle ,Turin, curator Domenico Papa.

La creazione del mondo, Chiesa di San Barnaba, Venezia, a curator Katia Margolis.

Solo exibhitions



Finding Flamingos, Made in Gallery, Venice curator Chiara Boscolo.


Pendant,Venice Art Night, Artist studio,Venice


Mio Arno, 50° anniversary of the Florence's flood, for  the City of Florence, curator Emanuela D. Paglia

'66, Art Festival Giudecca, Venice, Italy 2012

Vintage, Maison Bio studio, Florence, Italy 2009

Interferenze, Taller Eletrico de Las Salinas, Ibiza, Spagna, curator Galleria Mazzoleni (MI). 2008

Diwan , Diwan Cafè Letterario, Turin, curator Mimmo La Grotteria.

Peep, Aurora association, Piazza San Marco, Venice, curator Clelia Perzolla. 2007

Opera in Situ, cultural center Spiazzi, Turin, curator Domenico Papa.



Competitions and selections

2018 With the paiting Torcello first price  at the art competition , Renato Nardi; Venice, Italy

2016 Residency at the International Graphic Art School Il Bisonte, Florence Italy.

2008 Special mention young artist Talent Prize promoted by Fondazione Roma.

2008 Museum 2 is selected for the comunuication conference art and communications practices for University of Turin.





“Vince la morte, premiata la vita”, Talent Prize, Inside Art magazine, n. 47, p.27. “Re:pulic refusés”, Drome Magazine, n. 14, p.108.

“Re:pulic refusés”, Drome Magazine, n. 14, p.108.

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